Friday, February 28, 2020

Informative speech on the differences in mile stones between a normal Essay

Informative speech on the differences in mile stones between a normal person and a person with developmental disabilities - Essay Example Childhood is a period marked by incredible growth rate and every parent is excited about the future prospects of their children. Despite our differences that we show once we are on this earth, we develop along a certain route but at different rates. While some are slow in developing, others are fast. Yet others need wheelchairs to move around. Meyerhoff (6) believe that children are always surrounded by eager caretakers who follow every step of the kid’s growth, always enquiring why the child next door is developing fast than theirs. Many beg to ask if normal development has a range. Although, people develop at different rate, normal development has a range that is used to show the differences in milestones between a normal person and a person with developmental disabilities. According to Meyerhoff (6), developmental milestones are crucial in assessing the development of a child. It is good to note that the milestones are not static as different individuals either exhibit skills earlier while other individuals are late in exhibiting the skills. The milestones are also used to diagnose children with developmental disorders. These milestones are often associated with development of language capabilities, motor and social development. The milestones are divided into age categories and a normal child should show the skills and abilities of one age category before they enter into the next age category. It is also important to note that children develop differently in the different areas. Further, children who develop fast in one area may be slow in other areas. For example, a child who learns to use verbal language may struggle with spoken language. Another factor to note in developmental milestones is cultural differences. The development of an individual may be influenced by cultural and environmental differences. It is common knowledge that cultures perceive things differently. For example, making eye contact, speaking to adults and

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